Dhaka to Kuakata bus journey is could be the most comfortable journey by road. Kuakata one of the booming tourist destination in Bangladesh. To the tourists, Kuakata is known as “the daughter of the sea”. It is the only beach of Bangladesh where both sunrise and sunset can be seen. That’s why, thousand of tourist traveling to Kuakata to see panoramic sea beach. It offers a full view of the sunrise and sunset from the same place which is unique in the World. If you want to go by bus, first you need to go to Patuakhali, you will get various bus company and fare information below.
Surovi Pribahan
Coach Type: Non Air Con. Ticket Price: 550 TK.
Coach Type: Air Con. Ticket Price: 800 TK.
Head Office Number
Phone: 01713-298768
Rainkhola Counter
Phone: 01791-259304
Gabtoli Counter
Phone: 01791-259305, 01190-672259
Savar Counter
Phone: 01190-517364
Sakura Pribahan
Coach Type: Non Air Con. Ticket Price: 650 TK.
Coach Type: Air Con. Ticket Price: 1000 TK.
Head Office Gabtoli
Phone: 01729556677, 02-8021184
Saydabad Counter
02-7550297, 01725-060033,
Barishal Counter
01714022341, 01712618924
Patuakhali Counter
01718925124, 01712099552
All Sakura Paribahan Counter Number and location here