To see panoramic Kuakata Sea Beach, thousands of tourist from around the World traveling here. If you plan to visit Kuakata, you need to book hotel prior to arrive here because during pick time getting places to stay is a bit difficult. Also you will glad to know that there is one only 5 star hotel kuakata grand hotel & sea resort became popular among the tourist. You can travel Dhaka to Kuakata by Bus and Launch. You will find below some other popular Kuakata hotels information.
Some popular Kuakata Hotel list
Kuakata grand hotel & sea resort
044-2856114, 044-2856124,
+8801709646370, +8801709646371
[email protected]
Dhaka Office
Phone: +88-02-9551476
Mobile: 01833318380
Email: [email protected]
Address: Al-Amin Center, 25/A, 11th Floor, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000
Kuakata Office
Phone: 04428-56007
Mobile: 01833318380, 01833318387, 01833318381
Address: East Side Of Rakhain Mohila Market, Kuakata, Patuakhali
Cinderella Resort Town
Cindrella Town, West Kuakata, Alipur,
Kuakata, Barisal
HOTEL Kuakata Inn
Kuakata Parjatan Area, Kuakata,
Patuakhali, Bangladesh
+88 0442856031
Hotline: +88 01750008177, +88 01958305999
[email protected]
Hotel Mohona International Ltd.
Hotel Sand Beach
Kuakata Parjatan Area,
Kolapara, Patuakhali,
Phone No: +88 01873080080
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Banani Palace
Kuakata, Patuakhali
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +88-01713674192, +88-01713674189
Land Line: +88-0442856042
Sikder Resort & Villas Kuakata
Operation Manager : +88 01700-802720
Sales & Marketing : +88 01700-802726
Reservation : +88 01793-777733
Parjatan Holiday Homes, Kuakata
Cell-01942891968, 01732091599
[email protected]